Botanical Tours
Botanical tours to Northern Tien-Shan - Ili-Alatau and Shu-Ili mountains We offer a wide array of botanical tours in the natural habitat of rare and precinctive plant species. Investigate an amazing variety of plants and flowers of North Tien-Shan (Ili-Alatau and Shu-Ili mountains). During our tours you may not only see rare or protected plants but enjoy beautiful landscapes and wild nature.
All botanical tours led by expert botanist guides.
The best time for wildflower tours is from April to July.
Tour № 1. Endemic tulips of North Tien-Shan. Endemic irises of North Tien-Shan.
The best time to visit is from the 1st of April till 15th of May.
The different species of Tulips and Irises one can expect to see, to name a few are:
Tulipa Regelii, Tulipa Alberti, Tulipa Greigii, Tulipa Kolpakowskiana, Tulipa Ostrovskiana, Tulipa hibr (Tulipa Ostrovskiana and Tulipa Kolpakowskiana) and Iris kuschakewiczii, Iris kolpakowskiana.
Tour № 2. Alpine flowers of Ili-Alatau.
The best time to visit is from the 1st of June till 30th of July.
The different species of Alpine Flowers one can expect to see, to name a few are:
Oxygraphis glacialis, Pyrethrum Leontopodium (Ryhteriya), Trollius lilacinus, Saussurea involucrata, Trollius asiaticus, Paeónia anómala, Saxifrága, Rhodiola coccinea, Primula turkestanica, Schmalhausenia, Thermopsis alpina, Thylacospermum caespitosum, Aster alpinus, Viola altaica, Erysimum croceum and others